PETs-SETs at Pushkar on 8th & 9th April

Events & Activities


PETs-SETs at Pushkar on 8th & 9th April

RI District 3056 hosted the much-awaited PETs-SETs at Pushkar on the 8th & 9th of April, for the upcoming leaders ie. Presidents and Secretaries of various clubs. This event saw the gathering of prominent speakers and dignitaries, who addressed the young leaders and provided them with insights on how to lead their respective clubs.

The PETs – SETs event aimed to empower and equip the future leaders of the clubs with the necessary skills and knowledge required to serve their communities effectively. The speakers included notable figures from various fields, including business, education, and social work. They shared their experiences and expertise with the attendees, encouraging them to take up leadership roles and become changemakers in their communities.

The interactive sessions allowed attendees to network and collaborate with fellow leaders, giving them an opportunity to learn from one another. The event’s energy was palpable, with attendees expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to participate and learn from such prominent personalities.

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