PETs-SETs at Pushkar on 8th & 9th April


RI District 3056 hosted the much-awaited PETs-SETs at Pushkar on the 8th & 9th of April, for the upcoming leaders ie. Presidents and Secretaries of various clubs. This event saw the gathering of prominent speakers and dignitaries, who addressed the young leaders and provided them with insights on how to lead their respective clubs. The […]

AGTS DTTS on the 4th-5th March 2023 at Taj Aravali, Udaipur


The Assistant Governor & District Team Training Seminar of Rotary3056 was held on the 4th-5th March 2023 at Taj Aravali, Udaipur. It was a roaring success, drawing in Rotary enthusiasts from all over the District. Hosted by the Rotary Club of Udaipur Heritage, the two-day training seminar featured keynote speeches by prominent Rotary members and […]